Do I need to fix my home before selling in Florida?

Selling a house in Florida? You might be wondering if you need to fix things before putting it on the market. In Florida, it's common to use an "as is" purchase and sale agreement, meaning you can sell the home in its current condition. However, making some strategic improvements can enhance your home's appeal and potentially increase its value. Here are my recommendations:

Get a Pre-Listing Inspection Report

A pre-listing inspection can help identify any miscellaneous punch-out items that need attention. This step gives you a clear picture of what buyers might flag during their inspections.

Address the Punch-Out Items

Take the inspection report and have your handyman tackle the repairs. Fixing minor issues can make a big difference in how buyers perceive your home. It's about presenting your property in the best possible light.

Boost Curb Appeal

First impressions matter. Have your landscaper plant fresh greenery and clean up the yard. Power wash the driveway, sidewalks, and house exterior to give everything a fresh look.

Refresh with Paint

A new coat of paint can work wonders. Consider painting the interior and exterior of your home to make it look more inviting and well-maintained.

Keep It Clean and Tidy

Make sure your home is clean and decluttered. A clean, organized space can help buyers visualize themselves living there.

By taking these steps, you'll make your home more attractive to potential buyers, even if you're selling it "as is." Thinking about selling your home in Florida? Contact Jared today for more tips and personalized guidance!


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