Sellers FAQs

How Can I Determine if an Offer on My Home is Good When Selling?

Selling your home involves more than just accepting the highest price. Key factors to consider include the earnest money deposit, the length of the inspection period, whether the buyer has a financing contingency, and the presence of an appraisal contingency. The closing date should align with your personal timeline, whether you need a quick sale or a longer period to move.

Do I Need to Fix Things in My House Before Selling It in Florida?

Selling a house in Florida? While "as is" agreements are common, making some improvements can help sell your home. Start with a pre-listing inspection to identify necessary repairs and have a handyman address these issues. Enhance curb appeal with fresh landscaping and power washing. A new coat of paint for the interior and exterior can make a big difference. Lastly, keep your home clean and decluttered to help buyers envision themselves living there. These steps can make your property more attractive to potential buyers.

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